Tara Williamson
Bryan Burke, a resident of Spokane Washington, is reviving the American Dream. Making
old things new and beautiful again is not only a recent television trend, for
some it is a living. He makes hubcap clocks. Bryan uses the extra income to support his work at Eastern Washington Voters.
The making and selling of hubcap clocks may not be your typical glamour laced news, yet is almost more vital. In times of increasing economic turbulence, resourcefulness and sustainability need to be recognized and retold. This man endures the tedium of rescuing and restoring a very simple item, hubcaps. To turn them into vital, working machines that track our most precious commodity (our time) is no small task.
The making and selling of hubcap clocks may not be your typical glamour laced news, yet is almost more vital. In times of increasing economic turbulence, resourcefulness and sustainability need to be recognized and retold. This man endures the tedium of rescuing and restoring a very simple item, hubcaps. To turn them into vital, working machines that track our most precious commodity (our time) is no small task.